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Ocean Tech Marine Project To Help Save Oceans
Thursday, July 07, 2016

This week, a team of leading scientists, conservationists and media specialists launched a global marine research project called Ocean Tech to help save the world’s oceans, and their first port of call is Bermuda next year.

Building up a head of STEAM
Thursday, July 07, 2016

Secondary students took part in various activities and projects during the second annual STEAM Week at the end of term; each one encouraging students to seek new solutions to complex problems through the five components of STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.

Window on an underwater kingdom
Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Bermuda will play host to the first stage of a groundbreaking new research project designed to help save the world’s oceans.

Eight teams line up for ‘Benched 2.0’ event
Monday, July 04, 2016

Eight teams will compete in this year’s Institute of Bermuda Architects “Benched 2.0” event — a design-build contest aimed at students at the high school and university level.

BAMZ Celebrates Grand Re-Opening of Front Entrance and Shop
Friday, July 01, 2016

The legendary Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo announces the debut of its renovated Aquarium Hall and its new retail shop, Scales and Tales. A cocktail hour and an official opening ceremony, showcasing the new setting to invited guests, was held on Thursday, 9th June. The Hon. N. H. Cole Simons, JP, MP, Minister of Environment, was on hand to cut the ribbon and declare the Aquarium Hall, front entrance and shop officially open.


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Schoolboy’s drive to protect the environment
Royal Gazette
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Paul Johnston
Published Apr 19, 2018 at 8:00 am (Updated Apr 18, 2018 at 10:52 pm)

Making a point: Nash Storey shows off some
of the plastic he collected during a cleanup
at Grape Bay Beach

What started as a school assignment to clean up a beach has turned into a passion for a schoolboy.

Now Nash Storey, 11, is the unofficial caretaker at Grape Bay Beach in Paget.

The 11-year-old, a pupil at Somersfield Academy, carried out clean-ups at the beach with Keep Bermuda Beautiful over his 12-week long-term service and action assignment that began last November.

Nash said the idea for the project came from a personal drive to protect the environment. He explained: “I want to keep the beaches clean because I love them.”

The Paget schoolboy, who lives near the beach, said that he enjoyed swimming, snorkelling, boogie boarding and spending time with his family on the sand.

But he added: “It’s just not very nice to go down to the beach and see trash.”

Nash said some of the items he discovered during the cleanups included shoes, as well as a variety of plastic items, including six octopus pots.

He and KBB — along with the help of the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science and the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo — have launched a bid to track down where the pots came from.

The plastic containers are used to trap the sea creatures and can travel thousands of miles from their original locations.

Nash said that while his school project may have come to a close, he had no plans to stop his cleanup efforts. He added: “I feel that it’s a big deal.”

Nash said that the message he was trying to get across to Bermudians was to cut down on their use of plastics.

He added that in addition to promoting the three R’s — reducing, reusing, and recycling plastic — he would like to see Bermuda take a cue from UK supermarket chain Iceland which has banned plastic bags.