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‘Living Classroom’ gets $10,000 donation from Bermuda Garden Club
Thursday, June 24, 2021

The “Living Classroom” on Trunk Island has benefited from a $10,000 donation by the Garden Club of Bermuda.

Garden Club Of Bermuda Donates $10K To BZS
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Garden Club Of Bermuda has made a donation of $10,000 to the Bermuda Zoological Society [BZS] for their Trunk Island ‘Funding the Future’ project.

BZS workshop shows how to measure programmes’ success
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Bermuda Zoological Society has held an online workshop for non-governmental organisations that showed how to gather statistics to measure the success of academic programmes.

BZS Holds Professional Development Workshop
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Bermuda Zoological Society [BZS] recently held an online professional development workshop for 13 participants, representing nine different non-governmental organizations [NGOs].

Week to highlight sharks to launch next Monday
Thursday, June 03, 2021

The Bermuda Zoological Society today announced virtual Shark Week.

The event will offer daily presentations from experts and marine experts and will also coincide with the BZS’s World Ocean Day celebration on June 8.


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Hamilton Lions pump up the cash for local charities
RG - Jonathan Bell
Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Two charities reaped $11,000 each thanks to an enduring fundraiser by Hamilton Lions Club.

The proceeds from the club’s 53rd annual Gas-O-Rama and raffle draw were presented to Vision Bermuda and the Bermuda Zoological Society.

Marlene Christopher, president of Hamilton Lions Club, thanked the Terceira family for the use of Terceira’s Rubis Service Station on North Shore in Smith’s this February.

As part of the event, club members volunteered to pump gas for the day to earn a portion of the day’s earnings plus tips for charity.

Ms Christopher said the family kept a promise “made by their forefather, Malcolm Ralph Terceira, 53 years ago to Lion Teddy Chapman to partner with the Hamilton Lions Club in the holding of what has now become its annual Hamilton Lions Club Gas-O-Rama”.

Michael Terceira, an owner of the station, said: “The event was a resounding success, and we are happy to have supported Vision Bermuda, a cause near and dear to the Lions Clubs, and the Bermuda Zoological Society, our neighbours down in Flatts.

“Continuing to honour the legacies of Malcolm Ralph Terceira and Teddy Chapman is our great privilege and we hope to continue for many years to come.”

Theresa Hall, executive director of Vision Bermuda, said the club’s continuing help went towards “an accessible, functional, modern national facility building to serve the needs of individuals with vision impairments”.

“When Beacon House opens later this year, we will offer a full range of specialist services supporting people of any age with low or no vision and Beacon House, just like its name, will become a beacon of hope and opportunity.”

Colin Brown, president of the Bermuda Zoological Society, said the donations would support “our Stempel Foundation BZS Schools Programme, which is taught in the BZS education classrooms at the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo and provide experiential, hands-on learning opportunities to Bermuda school students”.