Living Classroom On Trunk and other Field Sites

The Cottage on Trunk Island serves as the educational hub for the Living Classroom but make no mistake: the true learning is happening out in the open air! Providing more than 1500 learning experiences each year, hearing about local ecology and biology before experiencing it first-hand. Here they can learn about how to identify distinct species of animal life, how to estimate population densities, use quadrats and so much more.

Living Classroom classes gets the students learning in their local natural environments. While these classes align with Cambridge and other international standards, they have an additional benefit of building the appreciation and love for nature to create the next generation of environmental stewards. This classes are an excellent opportunity to get students engaged, especially those that may struggle with the traditional classroom environment.

Most classes follow the 5 E Learning cycle and include pre-lessons and post-lessons to be completed by the teacher before and after the field trip. Allow enough time before registering to receive the materials and complete with your class. BPSS can use our Sign Up Genius Registration that we circulate among teachers at the various grade levels during the term of their class.

The classes below are suggested grade offerings. We can scaffold classes for a younger age group or add in more complexity for an older age group. Contact us to discuss.


Lower Primary

Flowering Plants Field Trip
Habitat Introductions
Animal Classification: Dichotomous Keys

Upper Primary

Habitats and Adaptations
Adaptions of Bermuda's Iconic Birds- Form & Function Lesson
Soils and Plants


Dichotomous Keys in the Field: Classification and species
Battle of the Invasives: The Fight by Bermudian’s Native Plants
Population Dynamics in Microforests


Field Investigation Course Overview